Featured Maps
Authorized Map of the Second Byrd Expedition.
“Past polar expeditions have been swallowed up by a silence which was never broken until they returned - if they did return. But on the Byrd Expedition there is being attempted the most notable feat in radio history - a two-way broadcast from an...
Map of the Popular Italian Costumes.
"Not one single Italian tradition has been allowed to die out" (text on verso).A beautiful map with a serious purpose, published in the 12th year of the Fascist Era: “as a matter of absolute certainty, all the costumes here illust...
Map of the University of California
Beautifully designed map of the University of California, extending to the Berkeley, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Riverside, La Jolla, Mt. Hamilton and Davis campuses.“This Map of the University of California sponsored by The California Club in commemo...
You've Only Got to Choose Your Bus
Created for the London General Omnibus Company, Gill's map, centred on Reigate, of the bus routes in the area between Epsom and Horley, north to south, and Godstone to Effingham, east to west, is illustrated in the same medieval modernist manner as...
A Hysterical Map of Yellowstone Park and the Jackson Hole Country. Slightly Cockeyed.
First issue, subsequently printed as a King Size mapcard in the 1950s. The Lindgren’s humorous pictorial map "Drawn in Broken English by Jolly Lindgren" features highlights of the area of the Jackson Hole country and Yellowstone National Pa...
Lake George and Lake Champlain
"The Charm and Beauty of Lake George and Lake Champlain Can Be Fully Enjoyed Only from the Steamer's Deck"Two elegant maps, one shows both lakes from Albany to Montreal, and the other Lake George and environs in more detail. The former is s...
Map of Gaya
2nd half 20th-century
This vibrant pictorial map of Gaya in India is oriented with west at the top, the title and place names are in English and in Hindi, the whole is surrounded by a border of vine-leaves.The map, possibly designed for those on a religious pilgrimage, cen...
Southern Pacific Lines follow the trails blazed by the pioneers
An uncommon and visually appealing map poster "done in the old style" with decorative galleons and sea monsters and an elaborate compass rose. Southern Pacific's Shasta Route, Overland Route, Golden State Route and Sunset Route are marked, &q...
This is NOT a Bootlegger's Map of the United States
[after 1928]
Only known example of this “bootleg” example of McCandlish’s iconic Bootlegger’s Map of the United States. A close copy in all respects, except for the imprint added below the bowdlerized title, and two new icons for the “...
Hydrographical Chart of the World According to Wright's or Mercators Projection
Arrowsmith's towering achievement of English cartography of the early 19th century: arguably the most advanced and detailed map of the world available at the time, and a superb example. A map of great scale on eight, unfolded, elephant-folio sheets-it wo...