Featured Maps
Carte de la Partie de la Virginie ou l'Armee Combinee
Esnauts and Rapilly's map is widely regarded as one of the most important of all Battle Plans of the American Revolution and one of the very few to be drawn from a French eyewitness perspective. Their fine depiction of the Battle of Yorktown is on...
Manuscript "Schoolgirl" Map of the World
A fine manuscript double-hemisphere map of the world, with a smaller polar projection beneath and between the hemispheres, the title inscribed above and between, surrounding the map on three sides within a ribbon banner held aloft by an angel is a qu...
Globo Terrestre Delineato Sulle Ultime Osservazioni Con...
A beautiful, complete set of gores for the construction of Giovanni Maria Cassin i's 1792 terrestrial and celestial globe pair, including the calottes and printed matter for the horizon and meridian rings. The gores are paired in four bordered sh...
A Map of the State of Vermont
As a map of Vermont, Allen’s has at least two curious features, one glaring, the other all-but hidden. The first is the coverage: Allen’s map takes in not just the state, but almost all northern New England, Northeaster New York and a large sw...
Isola di Madagascar
Typical of Coronelli's meticulously researched work, this chart of Madagascar, with the adjacant coast of Mozambique, and the charts in-between provides an detailed catalogue of the are. The interior of Madagascar has been divided into administrative re...
A Collection of Four “NAVWARMAP”s
Four of six propaganda “Nav War Maps” issued in 1944 by the U.S. Navy, including five focusing on different theatre of war and a sixth providing a global overview. All are visually compelling, with vibrant colors and energetic graphic design -...
Your Shell Map of 1960 Winter Olympic Games. Squaw Valley California
Commissioned by Shell Oil to promote their sponsorship of the 1960 Winter Olympic Games. The map shows not only the games’s site, but the surrounding area as far east as Virginia City (and including Lake Tahoe) and as far west as Grass Valley. ...
Mapa de Ruta. Pan American Grace Airways Inc.
“Ahora Si, El Mundo es Chico” (Yes, now the World is smaller)A rare Spanish language route map and guidebook published by Pan American & Grace Airways Inc. The front cover is illustrated with a portrait of a DC-2, while inside is a small ...
Balgownie Golf Links. New Zealand
“Nothing is more profitable than judicious investment in Real Estate”Public auction announcement for the sale of subdivided lots in the Balgownie Golf Links, Waganui, in the southwest of the North Island of New Zealand. The lots are offere...
Digital Deli Map of Personal Computer America
Meyerowitz's original manuscript map, for the illustration commissioned by the Workman Publishing Company, as both a promotional poster for, and published in, their book ‘Digital Deli: The Comprehensive, User-Lovable Menu of Computer Lore, Cul...